Everyday thousands of people search the internet and read health and fitness magazines hoping to find the latest and greatest advice about exercise and diet.

They’re looking for the “secret tips,” “shortcuts,” “hacks,” and “tricks” that burn fat quickly and easily. These solutions will be found, but sadly none of them will really work.

You won’t find the real “key” to transforming your physique in magazines because it’s not very attractive or marketable. It’s too boring.

That key is called consistency.

Consistently exercising and eating healthy over a long period of time is the real secret sauce. It’s the guaranteed way to lose weight, improve your health, and transform not just your physique but your life.

It’s true you can speed up the weight-loss process with a crash diet and extreme workout plan. But what’s the point of working your ass off, miserably starving and depriving yourself if you can’t keep it up in the long haul?

All that time and effort only to quit and gain all the weight back, plus some. I just don’t see the point when there’s such a better way.

Why not implement sustainable exercise and nutrition strategies, that by the way, WILL ALSO transform your physique. The difference is you’ll maintain your transformation!

It might take you a little longer this way, but at least you will actually see your transformation. You get off the merry-go-round of exercise and dieting and create lasting change in your life.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be healthy for a few months. I want to be healthy for the entirety of my life. Why have a great physique for a week or two when you can have a great physique all year long?

The key to consistently working out is starting small. Your attempt to work out seven days a week is admirable, but if you’re a busy parent with a stressful job, that’s short on time, and just getting back into exercise, the likely-hood that you will be successful with this strategy is pretty low.

Instead, start small so you experience some positive results that build momentum. Let those positive results motivate you to add additional exercise and movement into your life, and continue refining your nutritional philosophy further yet.

Here are two questions to ask yourself to help you create a successful health and fitness plan.

1. What’s the most restrictive diet you enjoy? Yes enjoy! You should actually enjoy your food.

2. What’s the most aggressive workout plan you enjoy and have time for?

The answers to these two questions are your starting point for success. Everything else is likely a dead-end.

Every few weeks ask yourself those two questions again and adjust accordingly.

Every few weeks as your taste buds shift, removing junk food from your diet becomes easier and easier. After a few weeks of moderately exercising you will appreciate the endorphin release exercise provides and decide to step up your workouts a bit!

As the first or second month ends people using extreme exercise and diet programs will begin falling off, while you’ll just be picking up steam. After two or three months you will have seamlessly shifted into a new healthy and fit lifestyle!

Whether you end up on the merry-go-round of crash dieting and extreme exercising, or the side of sustainability and consistency, time and life will continue moving forward. When that next milestone in your life arrives won’t it better showing up as the healthier more fit version of yourself.

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