
Welcome to the Live Great Lifestyle

My name is Luke DePron, online weight-loss coach for busy entrepreneurs & businessmen, host of a high-performance podcast, and the Founder of Live Great Lifestyle.

Using my extensive training in Exercise Science Kinesiology combined with strategies learned from a network of elite performers (including Navy Seals, World Champion fighters, NYT Best Selling Authors, and more) I’ve helped transform the lives of everyday men to Olympic-level athletes.

Today, I  help high-achieving businessmen and entrepreneurs lose 20+ pounds of body-fat  through the Lean Body Method so their physiques, energy, and confidence match the success they have in business and in life.

Ready to lose the weight for good? Click HERE to grab your FREE copy of The Busy Entrepreneurs Guide to a Lean Body

Need a personalized plan and accountability? Lean Body Method Coaching can help you reach your goals faster! Grab a spot on my calendar to discuss IF coaching is appropriate for you.

APPLY FOR COACHING HERE (booking a call does NOT guarantee acceptance as a client).

Having worked with many high performing and successful businessmen in the areas of health, fitness, and lifestyle one thing is vividly clear….

If you want to operate at your greatest potential you must take ownership of your health and fitness.

Through the Live Great Lifesytyle coaching program I help you step into that greatest version of yourself.  So you show up confidently, energetically and physically capable of performing your best.

Exercise is a conduit of growth. A tool to build authority and congruency with yourself and ensure you operate from a state of peak energy and performance.

As the old saying goes, without health there is not wealth.

Doc Bates
Guam Olympics
Joost Jansen
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Through unscripted conversation on the Live Great Lifestyle podcast I interview high performers who share their stories and strategies to help you step into the greatest version of yourself.

Guests include Doctors, NYT Best Selling Authors, Former Navy Seals, World Champion Mixed Martial Arts fighters, Nutrition Experts, Performance Coaches, Olympic Athletes, Personal Development Speakers & Authors, Reality Show Winners, World Changing Entrepreneurs, Adventures, and those committed to pushing their limits and achieving greatness.